Dyslexia Drawn
What does your dyslexia look like? This is a question that Sue Bell, an adult literacy support specialist, asked dyslexic adults who came to her center. In order to provide picture-thinkers with an way to express their thoughts and feelings, she encouraged adult learners to draw mind maps to express their life experiences with dyslexia. She also encouraged them to take photographs to depict and explain their own thought processes.
She writes, “The process of creating the mind maps was a powerful way of coming to terms with years of struggle.”
“Distilling their experiences down onto one A3 sheet of paper helped people to accept their dyslexia and move on to create more positive versions of themselves.
“Although there are many overlapping themes within the maps, each map is different from the others.
“This shows us that each dyslexic person has a unique set of experiences”
For more information about Sue Bell’s work and some suggestions as to how to create your own mind map, visit her web site at www.dyslexic.org
Sue Bell has also created a book called Picture This, published by New Leaf Books, featuring the words and images of her dyslexic students. More information is available on her web site at the link above.