Truth About Dyslexia

The Truth About Dyslexia podcast is focused on helping adult dyslexics deal with the challenges they face. It is a real view as producer Stephen Martin goes through his journey to manage, understand and become aware of how Dyslexia affects him on a daily basis.
New episodes come out each week (or as he learns something new and worth sharing). Each podcast is usually 6 – 12 minutes so they are easy to listen to on the go.
- Updatecast – The big 4, breaking through Barriers and more
- 20 Things You Need to Know If Someone Has Dyslexia
- ADHD & Nutrition Can I get it right this year
- Social media and the neurodiversity trap
- The 5 ‘Must Know’ ADHD Motivations
- Are we good in a crisis?
- Procrastination
- Last Planning and Organising for Christmas and the holidays
- Finding My Purpose
- Reflecting and ‘Really’ moving forward
- Getting a ADHD Diagnosis with Andrée Kenny
- If Everything is Meaningless – How do you keep going
- Understanding Dyslexia Differently_ My Experience with Davis Dyslexia
- Updatecast – New Name, The Dyslexia and ADHD journey
- Updatecast – Overthinking, the Podcasts Future and Boundaries
- What’s The True Meaning of Purpose
Looking for more ways to listen? Visit Truth About Dyslexia at for links to this podcast on Spotify and other podcast apps.