Disorientation and Visual Confusion

The Experience of Disorientation

A Real-Life Example:

I got a call about 9 o’clock at night from a Dad.
“I’m so sorry Claire but we had to call. I’ll let my daughter tell you what’s happening.”

What happened:

“Hi, Claire. I was making a snack in the microwave and PAUSE, STOP & CANCEL started flying around the room!!!

What I said:
“Ahhhhh! When you’re a bit tired, this sort of thing can easily happen to picture thinkers. It’s probably just disorientation.

“Look again. This time use your focus tools first. Are PAUSE, STOP & CANCEL staying still now?

“Great job! If it happens again, you can simply use your Davis focus tools to bring the words back.”

The Solution

When my clients arrive with these visual sensory disorientations it can be a result of life stress or simply that they are naturally strong visual learners in a world of words where confusion causes these symptoms.

Davis facilitators’ key message is: once you know how your alignment of sensory perception works and have control of it yourself…

This takes between 2 to 5 days for even the young ones who come to me for a one-to-one programme. Ron Davis’ book The Gift of Dyslexia has instructions for the orientation or alignment techniques.

With these tools, we can start noticing when disorientations or distortions are starting and we are able to bring our minds back to orientation/alignment within 20-30 seconds.

In a one-to-one programme we also learn how to identify and release/address the root cause of the confusion that caused the disorientation so it is less likely or doesn’t happen again. Best tools I ever learned!