How to Tell Time

The seven most common sources of confusion for children, and how to address them.

Some topics covered include:

  • Where are the hours and where are the minutes on a clock face?
  • Why does the small hand tell the bigger chunks of time, and the big hand tell the smaller chunks of time?
  • Words that cause confusion (to, two, too; past, passed).
  • Why is there no zero on the clock face?
from GiftedDyslexic

If you want to use the interactive online clock I mention in the video, here is the link:

The website also has other interactive tools for visualizing math concepts, including an excellent interactive 10×10 grid for exploring the times tables.

The best YouTube video for general instructions about telling time is made by MathAntics, who also are brilliant at visualising and translating maths into real things. You can see their video on telling time here: