A Symbol of Support for Dyslexia

Did you know currently there was no universal symbol for dyslexia? Well, there is now, because we (The Whole Dyslexic Society) created one, a beautiful, positive one.
I’m sure you’ve all noticed there are ribbons for us to identify with many challenges, such as the pink ribbons for breast cancer survivors, and one day I googled to see if there was one for dyslexia, and it turns out there wasn’t one. SO… I thought let’s make sure that if there is one, it’s positive.
We don’t always need to be seen as individuals who reverse ‘b’s and ‘d’s … we need to be recognised as individuals with a ‘superpower’! We can use our natural ability to alter our
perception for all sorts of amazing talents, it’s only because our education system doesn’t know about this, or understand this, that we are made to fit in a box that is not our shape and then labelled as ‘learning disabled’. We are totally capable of learning, our way!
Long story short here is our ‘Gifted with Dyslexia’ pin – just a ‘d’ with a gift bow – easy.
We’d like:
- those with the ‘gift of dyslexia’ to have a physical, global symbol of pride in our way of thinking and learning.
- to acknowledge the discovery made by Ronald D Davis, in his book The Gift of Dyslexia, and the subsequent programs which have changed the lives of thousands of learning able individuals.
- to increase the understanding of how these different minds work, and eventually for the education system to be able to reach them from day one, thus ensuring the challenges do not have a chance to arise.
- to ensure that these different learners know they are learning able, they just don’t learn the way they have been taught.
- to add to the Davis profile when someone asks the wearer what is that pin for?
- for ‘corrected dyslexics’ to have a reminder of their achievements, their innate abilities, and their Davis learning tools.

These pins have a magnetic fixing, so can be a fridge magnet too, and they have been test-driven by an active 9-year-old boy, who announced ‘they are strong’! A 10-year-old girl has already asked if there will be a bracelet and a necklace!
So let’s make this a real thing! We need to tip the scales so that the majority recognises we have a natural gift. We need to highlight that we are all learning able and the problem lies within the education system – once we reach the tipping point, the door to change will be open!
We have so much to be grateful for that Ron Davis made his discovery, wrote his book, developed the programs, and trained Facilitators who have the privilege of watching children and adults transform in front of their eyes. Imagine a day when Davis programs are mainstream in our schools, particularly the Davis Learning Strategies which ensure the challenges need not arise, providing every child entering school cognitive equal opportunity to fulfill their potential and live their dreams!
Here’s how to order your own ‘Gift with Dyslexia’ pin:
Proceeds from sales support the work of The Whole Dyslexic Society.
We are so grateful to Amanda Jane Green of Squamish, BC, Canada, a ‘corrected’ dyslexic, of course, who donated her design to our society!