Extraordinary Minds:
Dyslexia Explained
This 17-minute video takes a sensitive and positive look inside the dyslexic mind and experience. The combination of live-action, interviews with adults and children, and animation explores the benefits of visual thinking and creative imagination, and explains how these talents can also create functional difficulties with school and academics.
This video was produced by a team of Davis Facilitators from New Zealand and Australia: Angi Fiaola. Rachel Barwell, Rochelle Booth, Sandra Hartnett, Shelley McMeekan, Danette Moriarty, Janet Pirie Hunter, Heidi Rose, Vanessa Victor, & Jan Stead.
Additionally, Davis Facilitators from around the world have provided translations for subtitles in the following languages: Polish (Marta Jarosiewicz) | Greek (Theano Panagiotopoulou) | Hindi (Priti Venkatesan) | Italian (Cathie Geraci) | French (Carol Nelson) | Spanish (Dolores Gage Díaz-Caneja) |Russian (Elena Nikulina) | Chinese (Yvonne Wong Ho Hing) | Dutch and German (Erika Wiegmann)
This video was first posted online in June, 2021.