I Am Dyslexia (Animated Film)
This award-winning film by Norwegian artist and educator Mads Johan Øgaard, inspired by his own struggles and feelings as a dyslexic child. He writes, “My passion is to create awareness of learning differences,” He also holds a Master’s degree in Special Education Needs.
I am also dyslexic and left handed to top it off. When I went to school it was considered that I wrote with the devils hand and if I tried harder I may success. I was always compared with my sister who sailed through school in England. I finally go the opportunity to be taught how to read when I was in grade 6. I remember holding my book up sided down so the letters would not run into one another.
I liked your film and I do hope today schools understand that dyslexic people are very talented. I read a book called the gift of dyslexia I actually threw the book across the road and yell how dare this man know how I think. Then I laughed and he is dyslexic you twit. It was a fabulous book and I do believe the author became a teacher helping those with the special gift of dyslexic.
I also found school over whelming I dropped out after grade 10 but went back to school and got my grade 12 and even went to university where I was told by my good friend and my mother and sister I would never succeed I did. I didn’t finish as I became a single mother but my average was b+ and my mother was delighted. She felt finally she hadn’t given birth to a “slow” child.
I live in Canada and have three sons one whom is dyslexic and is very successful in this line of work he is the person who is called upon when generators etc. fail. My other two sons have a touch of dyslexic but are also very successful in their line of work. It has been a hard hill to climb but I have developed a good sense of humour that really helps. Thank you for your story.