The Perfect IEP
While I was writing some goals for a student’s IEP, I thought about what it would look like in a world where we had developed the system differently.
Instead of writing goals to say how I think I’ll change a child over the course of the year, I could write goals about how we’ll change the environment or what kind of improvements that I need to make or work that I need to do…
- By next annual review, the therapist will have explained sensory processing styles to the adults in the child’s life on at least 3 occasions with at least 80% understanding, pausing for questions as needed, and with use of visual aids, to improve the child’s ability to be accepted and supported in their needs 100% of the time.
- By next annual review, the therapist will have introduced the child to at least 10 ways to incorporate writing into play, with 95% adherence to what the child finds interesting, with no more than one verbal reminder needed from the child.
- By next annual review, the adults will configure the school day such that the child will experience at least two feelings of intrinsic success per day (as measured by accomplishing a task which meets all of the following: personally motivating, meaningful, and at the appropriate developmental level) on at least 95% of days for at least four consecutive weeks.
At the very least, if we came to the next year’s review and these goals weren’t being met, it would be a lot clearer to us who needed to work harder next year.