Is Dyslexia A Disability? Why Not to Trust the Label
Is dyslexia a disability?” Yes, officially dyslexics carry the label “disabled.” Dyslexia is explicitly mentioned as a disability in the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. Often, dyslexics are also protected under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). But what is the price we pay for this label?
Personally, all these labels “disabled, dysfunctional, impaired” (the list goes on) have always rubbed me the wrong way. Intentional or not, many often ascribe the struggles of a dyslexic *only* to the dyslexic him/herself. Research does not support this statement! Society also tells the dyslexic “it’s your fault”, “you can’t do anything about it” and “it’s a disability that you’ll just have to live with.” No evidence for this either. Finally, dyslexics are told they have a learning disability, and receive the impression that they are just generally not that smart. This is simply incorrect.
This video talks about how, by labelling dyslexics disabled, we harm their self-esteem, their perceived ability to perform tasks in life, their performance in general. It reminds us to remember that disability stems from the combination between an individual and a certain environment that creates disabling experiences.
I was diagnosed at 8yrs old Altho never got any help with my parents didn’t tell me but continually yelled at me saying what’s wrong with you. Why can’t you remember what you read and even slapped me.
I’m 60yrs old now, no kids, was married 23yrs she passed. I still struggle every day cocnative stuff. I ended up driving truck most of my life having bullying problems trouble holding onto friends and family shunning me they didn’t know tho. I’m practicing mindfulness meditations now and that is helping a lot. My mom said now they didn’t have the money to help and didn’t want the shame about it either.
Unbelievable …getting out of responsibility’s. She’s a Jesus freek now saying he can cure everything. She’s delusional, we don’t get along.
Dad died 1993 never knew him, I was into drinking drugs. Now clean.
I forgive but not forget. Peace
Learning disorder is the one that drives me nuts. Finding out I was disabled was a big shock and to be honest I do not know what it means still however it the learning disorder label that does it to me.